Ecole GBS

Impara l'inglese a Dubai con la scuola English Path

Un'esperienza linguistica indimenticabile a Dubai

Il campus dedicato di English Path Dubai si trova nel cuore del Knowledge Park della città. Gli studenti possono trovare una vasta gamma di corsi adatti alle loro esigenze, che vanno dall'inglese generale alla preparazione degli esami, passando per l'inglese professionale, programmi specializzati, certificazioni GBS e stage nell'industria dell'ospitalità.

English Path Dubai si impegna a preparare i suoi studenti per il successo in un mondo internazionale. Il campus offre un ambiente accogliente e stimolante, dove gli studenti provenienti da tutto il mondo possono praticare l'inglese in situazioni reali. Gli insegnanti esperti di English Path Dubai aiutano gli studenti a acquisire le competenze e la fiducia necessarie per comunicare in inglese in modo efficace.

L'educazione per tutti è uno dei valori fondamentali di English Path Dubai, e il team accademico offre corsi stimolanti e adattati alle esigenze degli studenti. Il campus è dotato di sale sociali, risorse didattiche di qualità ed è facilmente accessibile con i mezzi pubblici. Gli studenti di tutti i livelli e con diverse ambizioni professionali dispongono delle risorse necessarie per avere successo nei loro studi.

Oltre ai corsi regolari, English Path Dubai propone anche un programma speciale per i partecipanti di 50 anni e oltre, che include un programma culturale adattato, attività di svago, escursioni e pasti con gli insegnanti.

Gli studenti che si uniscono a English Path Dubai hanno l'opportunità di perfezionare il loro inglese, sviluppare fiducia in se stessi e capacità di comunicare con gli altri. È un'occasione unica per imparare l'inglese, scoprire una nuova cultura e prepararsi per avere successo in un mondo internazionale.

  • Minimum age : 16
  • Number of students per class : 11
  • Levels : beginner to high advanced
Holidays :
27-giu-2025, 1-set-2025
Vacations :
From 31.03.25 to 02.04.25
From 30.05.25 to 02.06.25
From 01.12.25 to 03.12.25
  • Parc à thèmes
  • shopping
  • 5 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens
  • Cours spéciaux
  • ALTO - organisme d'accréditation école de langue
  • Parc à thèmes
  • shopping
  • 5 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens
  • Cours spéciaux
  • ALTO - organisme d'accréditation école de langue

Classic Morning

From 285.00 USD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 15 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : beginner to advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 14-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 2-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Classic Morning Business English

From 305.00 USD / week
Minimum age : 25
Students max per class : 8 (6 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 2-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Classic Brunch

From 255.00 USD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 15 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : beginner to advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 2-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Classic Light Flexi

From 215.00 USD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 15 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 15 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 2-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Super Intensive

From 465.00 USD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 15 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 40 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : beginner to advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 2-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Classic Brunch IELTS Preparation

From 275.00 USD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 15 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 2-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

ESAW Shared Apartments 4 students max.

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 220.00 USD / week

ESAW Shared Apartments 5 students max.

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 210.00 USD / week

ESAW Shared Apartments Twin Studio

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 300.00 USD / week

ESAW Shared Apartments Private Room

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 290.00 USD / week

ESAW Shared Apartments Single Studio (16-17)

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 560.00 USD / week

The Myriad

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 230.00 USD / week

The Myriad Premium Ensuite

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 430.00 USD / week

KSK homes Residence

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 230.00 USD / week

KSK homes Residence Premium Ensuite

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 430.00 USD / week
Optional courses